Formed in the toxic swamps of Central Florida in 2015, TTN seeks to assimilate listeners with its unique brand of Post-Alternative music. The sonic landscapes crafted by TTN meld the synthetic with the organic, the complex with the simple, and the unexplored with the familiar. The music of TTN is crafted through the fusion of complex rhythms, colossal guitars, electronic experimentation, and a guiding philosophy of constant progress.
TTN has been described by the Orlando Weekly as “uncommon in their own class” and “mind-blowing”. TTN’s most recent release ‘Indoctrination’ has been described by God is in the TV as “full of devastating tones along with glorious rhythms”, “something new rather than reupholstered”, and “a load of fun that showcases a band that understand the genres they are working with and have delivered something that manages to make experimental noise space rock sound accessible and, even, poppy in places.”.